Learning program

Samhita Academy of Ayurveda is introducing a very unique learning program - Swastha vritta. Along with our profound study material - which is based on the commentary book of Vaidyabhooshanam K. Raghavan Thirumulpad - Ashtanga Sangraha - we are planning to offer a two weeks practical learning experience in Sunethri Ayurvedashram - Kerala - india, under the guidance of  Vaidya M.Prasad our chief physician 

Introduction of Ayurveda by DrPrasad

Swastha vritta is one of the unique concepts of Ayurveda,which stresses importance of lifestyle, diet and mental attitude for maintenance of health and prevention of diseases. Lifestyle, diet, optimum use of sensory and motor organs and avoiding their disuse -  ayoga, misuse - mithyayoga or overuse - atiyoga Behavior pattern detoxification of the body, exercise, yoga, are some of the areas covered by swastha vritta and are given much importance in Ayurveda. These regimens suggest how a day should be spent, instructions regarding diet, activities, behavior and thinking process.
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